All posts by Jane Gloria Kitiibwa

Jane Gloria Kitiibwa is a passionate writer and social critic. She's currently a staff writer at Kivumbi Press

Why Cameron Diaz Completely Turned Her Back On Hollywood

Are you a fan of Cameron Diaz? Enjoy her movies? Well then you must have been wondering why she has totally disappeared from the big screen! Just why would anyone step out of the limelight so unceremoniously and quit a successful career of acting that she started when she was only 22 years?

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Suprising Benefits Of Taking A Glass Of Lemon Water Every Morning

A good morning starts with whatever you fit in it, as according to your routine. While some opt to go for a morning workout [jogging, sit-ups etc], others do none of that. But whether you do this or not, having a glass of warm water with lemon can do really great things for your life.

It is the one thing you can effortlessly add to your daily routine and reap really tremendous results for your health; body and skin.  

Continue reading Suprising Benefits Of Taking A Glass Of Lemon Water Every Morning